Hacking Tools

Here are some hacking tools.

Crack MD5

Here top tools for crackig md5 to noral text.

Photo Editing

Top online tools for editing photos.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Optimise The System Cache

Optimise The System Cache
Desktop  systems  are  normally  optimised  for  applications,  and servers  for  file  caching.  Depending  on  how  you  use  your  system, you may want to optimise your system for either.

Navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

Find the setting LargeSystemCache. Set this DWORD value to 1 for server behaviour or to 0 for desktop behaviour.

Some programs such as SQL Server and Exchange Server set this value during installation and override the change.

or copy & paste in notepad(in italic & red)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

save it as
filename->Opimise the system cache.reg
filetype->all files

then double click on that file


Optimisation Of The Boot Files

Optimisation Of The Boot Files
Normal file fragmentation scatters the pieces of a file all over your hard disk. This also affectsthe files that load at boot time. You can defragment the files that load at startup to enable faster loading.

Navigate to:

A setting called Enable under this key needs to be set Y(for Yes). This setting defragments the boot files, & it might relocate startup files into contiguous clusters on the volume, reducing themovement of the disk head when regarding the volume.
With the setting at the Y, boot file optimisationoccuer automatically if the system is idle for 10 minutes. A reboot is required for the change to take effect.

Just COPY & PASTE IN NOTEPAD(in italic & red)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


save as
filename->Optimisation Of the Boot files.reg
filetype->all files

then double click on that.

Control Master File Table Zone Reservation

Control Master File Table Zone Reservation
On  NTFS-enabled  XP  systems,  you  can  control  the  amount  of space allocated to the MFT. The MFT contains reference entries to all the files on the system. This can get fragmented over time and affect  system  performance.Use  this to  allocate  sufficient space for the MFT.
Navigate to:

Modify  NtfsMftZoneReservation  to  a  value  between  1  and  4. A value of 2 is good enough. However, in this day of humongous hard disks, a better bet would be to set it at 4.

To be completely effective, this setting should be specified at the time the volume is formatted.

Copy & paste the following code(in italic & red) in notapad

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


save it as
filetype->all files.

Save it.
then just Double click on that!!!!!!

Load Kernel Into RAM

Load Kernel Into RAM
In Windows 98, programs could be loaded and kept in RAM for as long  as  you  wanted.  You  could  even  load  a  video  clip  into  RAM directly and have it play from there! XP is much more restrictive, mostly due to security reasons. But when it comes to the Windows XP kernel, there's something you can do. By default, XP only loads the required parts of the kernel into RAM at boot time, and calls the  other  parts  as  and  when  needed.  Having  the  entire  kernel available in memory speeds up processing.

Navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\Memory Management

Set the value of the DisablePagingExecutive key to 1. This will make the entire kernel be loaded in memory. A reboot is required.
Only use this if you have sufficient memory. Recommended: 512 MB  or  more.  Also,  this  may  affect  some  programs  that  use  the Windows swap file directly, such as Adobe Photoshop.

Copy & paste in notepad(in italic)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

save it as
filename->load kernelintoram.reg
filetype->all files

save it & double click on it.


Load applications faster

Load applications faster

The Windows prefetcher aims to load applications faster by "prefetching" the application & storing it in the prefetch cache. You can speed up applications loading by changing the default valueof one the setting under the relevant key.

Navigate to:

The default value for the EnablePrefetcher settu=ing is 3. Change it to 5 to make faster applications loading.
You can experiment with higher values upto 9.

Just Copy Following(in italic & red) & paste in Notepad

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters]

& save as
filename-> load applicationfaster.reg
filetype-> all files

then double on that file!!!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Edit Start up Programms

Edit The Startup Programs List
Many  of  the  programs  that  start  up  at  boot  time  do  not  figure in  the  Startup  folder.  If  you  want  to  stop  more  than  one  application  from  loading  at  bootup,  you  will  normally  need  to  go
and  turn  off  the  preference  in  each  application  one  by  one. Tedious and time consuming. This can help you do this in one go.

Navigate to:
And to:

All the programs that load at boot time will be specified under these  two  keys.    Review  the  applications  listed  in  this  list  and delete all the entries you don't want started up at boot time. Next
bootup, they'll be gone.

Be careful not to delete needed programs such as anti-virus.

Disable Thumbnail Caching

Disable Thumbnail Caching
One of Explorer's features is to display a thumbnail of images and the   first   frame   of   the   video   when   seen   in   Thumbnail   view. Explorer can either create it when you access the folder or fetch it
from the thumbnail cache. Fetching thumbnails from the cache is significantly faster, but will consume a lot of hard disk space, especially if your system is chock-full of images and video.

Navigate to:

Set the DWORD Value DisableThumbnailCache to 1 if you are low  on  hard  disk  space.  Otherwise,  it  makes  sense  to  leave  it  at zero—the thumbnail cache can indeed be useful.

just copy & paste following code(in italic& red) in notepad

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


save it as
filetype->all files

than double click on that file


Disable User Tracking

Disable User Tracking
Useless  to  most  users—except  perhaps  for  system  administrators—XP's   inbuilt   user   tracking   system uses   up   precious resources.

The  system  keeps  track  of  the  programs  run  by  a  user,  the paths followed, and the documents used. (Did you know your XP was spying on you all this while?) Disable this to free up system resources.

Navigate to:

Set the DWORD NoInstrumentation to 1. This will disable most of the user tracking features of XP.

or copy & paste the following in notepad(in italic & red)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


save it as
filetype->all files

then double click on that file!!!!!!!


Disable The Desktop Cleanup Wizard

Disable The Desktop Cleanup Wizard
By default the Desktop Cleanup Wizard runs every 60 days to clean up  unused  shortcuts  and  other  desktop  items.  Do  you  need  this over-friendly tool? At any rate, you don't want it to run automatically.

Navigate to:

Modify the DWORD Value called NoRun to 0, or to 1 to bring back the poor Wizard if you begin to pity it.

Automatic Windows Refresh

Automatic Window Refresh
Normally,  there  is  a  small  delay  after  some  information  changes before  it  reflects  in  the  GUI.  If  you  need  to  see  the  information right away, you would need to press [F5]. The following will enable
the system to do faster updates.

Navigate to:

For    faster    updates,    change    the    DWORD    value    called UpdateMode to 0. The default is 1.

A reboot will be required for the changes to take effect. Note that there is a likelihood of conflict if this setting is applied with system policies running: the UpdateMode value is used by system policies  to  Disable,  Automatically  or  Manually  check  for  a  connection to the NETLOGON share of a domain controller. Change it  back  to  the  default  if  you  are  running  system  policies  or  are connected to a domain controller.

Copy following code(in italic & red) & paste in notepad

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


save it as
filetype->all files

then double click on that!!!!!


Background & structure of Registry


The Registry has to be one of the least understood aspects of the Windows  operating  system  family.  Even  seasoned  professionals approach it with a degree of caution, knowing that a wrong entry can  potentially  wreak  havoc  on  the  system.  To  understand  the Registry  is  to  get  to  the  heart  of  controlling  and modifying  your Windows  system.  With  a  detailed  understanding  of  what  you  are doing, you can turn your machine into a lean performance machine, customise   and   personalise   its   appearance,   and   get   fine-grained control over nearly every aspect of how Windows XP behaves.

The Structure And Working Of The Registry

HKEY_LCASSES_ROOT contains all the information related to the fundamental aspects of the windows user interface, file association mapping for drag & drop functionality, shortcuts, & OLE(Object Linking & Embedding) information.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER contains all the information related to the current user logged into the system includung such things as Desktop setting, logon names, & other user specific information.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE contains all the information regarding to the hardware, software, & other PC-specific preferences that are common to all the users who log into the machine

HKEY_USERS contains all the information related to specific preferences of individual users, who are each identified by a unique security identifier called SID. This SID is unique for life of system.

HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG contains all the information gatherd when the computer boots up, & is coppied & merged in from portions of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINES relevand to the current hardware profile. This information is not stored: it is regenrated every time the computer starts up.

Value Types
there are 3 major types: DWORD, Binary, String.

REG_DWORD is ussually used for boolean values & is a 4-byte number.UpdateMode have a setting of either 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled).

REG_BINARYis used to store the information as raw binary data, & is usually used for hardware components.

REG_SZ is the standard string for to display human readable text.

REG_EXPAND_SZ is an expandable data string that permits storing of variables that can be replaced by actual values by the application called key.

Creating & Using .Reg files
The .reg file is actually a text file which will open in any editor like notepad. It uses specific syntax that the registry recognizes. Following the rules of syntax you can creat .reg files

blank line
blank line

For windows XP & Windows 2000
RegistryEditorVersion is Registry Editor Version 5.0

For Windows 98 & NT

RegistryEditorVersion is Registry Editor Version 4.0

Third Party Registry Editors

Registry commander
Download from http://www.aezay.dk

RegEditX(with Registry Crawler)
Download from www.regeditx.com

Registry Workshop
Download from www.torchsoft.com

Regstry Trackers

Registry Monitor
Download from www.sysinternals.com/Utilities/Regmon.html

Download from www.resplendence.com/multimon

Regstry Cleaners

Download from www.ccleaner.com

Easy Cleaner
Download from www.personal.inet.fi/business/toniarts/ecleane.htm

jv16 Power Tools
Download from www.jp16.org

MSWord A-Z shortcuts

MSWord Shortcuts

[Ctrl] + [A]: Select all
[Ctrl] + [B]: Bold
[Ctrl] + [C]: Copy
[Ctrl] + [D]: Font Formatting
[Ctrl] + [E]: Center Alignment
[Ctrl] + [F]: Find/Replace
[Ctrl] + [G]: Go to
[Ctrl] + [H]: Replace
[Ctrl] + [I]: Italics
[Ctrl] + [J]: Justified Alignment
[Ctrl] + [K]: Insert Hyperlink
[Ctrl] + [L]: Left Alignment
[Ctrl] + [M]: Indent
[Ctrl] + [N]: New document
[Ctrl] + [O]: Open a document
[Ctrl] + [P]: Print
[Ctrl] + [Q]: Paragraph Spacing
[Ctrl] + [R]: Right Alignment
[Ctrl] + [S]: Save current document
[Ctrl] + [T]: Hanging Indent
[Ctrl] + [U]: Underline
[Ctrl] + [V]: Paste
[Ctrl] + [W]: Close document
[Ctrl] + [X]: Cut
[Ctrl] + [Y]: Repeat
[Ctrl] + [Z]: Undo