Control Master File Table Zone Reservation
On NTFS-enabled XP systems, you can control the amount of space allocated to the MFT. The MFT contains reference entries to all the files on the system. This can get fragmented over time and affect system performance.Use this to allocate sufficient space for the MFT.
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Modify NtfsMftZoneReservation to a value between 1 and 4. A value of 2 is good enough. However, in this day of humongous hard disks, a better bet would be to set it at 4.
To be completely effective, this setting should be specified at the time the volume is formatted.
Copy & paste the following code(in italic & red) in notapad
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
save it as
filetype->all files.
Save it.
then just Double click on that!!!!!!
On NTFS-enabled XP systems, you can control the amount of space allocated to the MFT. The MFT contains reference entries to all the files on the system. This can get fragmented over time and affect system performance.Use this to allocate sufficient space for the MFT.
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Modify NtfsMftZoneReservation to a value between 1 and 4. A value of 2 is good enough. However, in this day of humongous hard disks, a better bet would be to set it at 4.
To be completely effective, this setting should be specified at the time the volume is formatted.
Copy & paste the following code(in italic & red) in notapad
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
save it as
filetype->all files.
Save it.
then just Double click on that!!!!!!
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